College of Engineering and Computer Science
Academic Learning Compact for IE Assessment
Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E.
UCF Electrical Engineering graduates will be able to do the following:
Discipline Specific Knowledge, Skills, Behavior and Values Outcomes
1. Recognize and apply concepts, principles and theories in the following areas:
Measure 1.1: All students will meet or exceed proficiency
on the Electrical Engineering General Foundations Entrance Exam, which
ask students to identify and apply 1a, b, and c.
Measure 1.2: All students will score at least 70% proficiency on the test
questions that ask to students to identify and apply electrical engineering
concepts, principles, and theories on the final examination in EENG4900.
2. Describe the interrelatedness of contemporary issues in
a global society context with electrical engineering solutions
Measure 2.1: All students will score 80% on embedded questions asking
them to describe the interrelatedness of contemporary issues and electrical
engineering solutions.
Measure 2.2: All students will score 70% or higher on the two essays assigned
on the interrelatedness of contemporary issues in a global society context
with electrical engineering solutions. A scoring rubric will be used to
score each essay.
Critical Thinking Outcomes
3. Demonstrate the use of the most current engineering techniques,
skills, and tools, including computer-based tools for analysis and design
of electrical engineering
Measure 3.1: All students will score at least 70% on embedded questions
that test knowledge and application of current computer-based tools for
analysis and design of electrical engineering.
Measure 3.2: All students will achieve a rating of satisfactory or higher
for their electrical engineering project in EENG 3320. A scoring rubric
will be used to assess technology.
4. Identify, formulate and solve novel electrical engineering
Measure 4.1: All students will correctly answer 80% of embedded questions
asking them to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems on
the final examinations in EENG 3000, 3320, and Capstone Course EENG 4900.
Measure 4.2: All students will meet or exceed minimum standards for the
final project in EENG 3320. Project evaluation will be based on the following
criteria: "originality" "complexity of the engineering
problem," and "execution". A scoring rubric will be
5. Design and conduct scientific and engineering experiments
including analysis and interpretation of data
Measure 5.1: All students will meet or exceed minimum standards for the
final project in EENG 3320. Project evaluation will be based on the following
criteria: "analysis and interpretation of data". A scoring
rubric will be used.
Measure 5.2: All students will score 80% or higher on questions on the
finals in EENG 3320 and Capstone course that ask students to analyze and
interpret data, and assess the design and execution of hypothetical engineering
Communication Outcomes
6. Employ terminology for electrical engineering accurately
and effectively
Measure 6.1: All students will achieve at least 70% proficiency on the
electrical engineering terminology questions embedded in tests in EENG
3300. and 4900.
Measure 6.2: All students will demonstrate 80% proficiency in the terms
and abbreviations used in electrical engineering reports.
7. Use language in written form effectively and professionally
for varied audiences
Measure 7.1: All students will achieve 70% proficiency or higher on the
written portion of their engineering experiment proposals. A scoring rubric
will be used to determine presentations suitability to different audiences.
Measure 7.2: All students will meet or exceed proficiency on the use of
electrical engineering terminology in their written reports. A scoring
rubric will be used.
8. Convey technical material through oral presentations of electrical
engineering topics
Measure 8.1: All students will meet or exceed "satisfactory"
for their ability to demonstrate technical command of electrical engineering
principles, problem solving techniques, and technology through oral presentations
in EENG4900. A scoring rubric will be used.
Measure 8.2: All students will demonstrate at least 70% proficiency in
their research and technological skills through oral presentations at
research conferences. 90% of students enrolled in ENG 4900 will submit
their research proposals at research conferences; 60% of submitted proposals
will be "accepted" for presentations; and 10% of "accepted"
proposals will be presented at a research conference.
Computer Science B.S.
UCF Computer Science graduates will be able to:
Discipline Specific Knowledge, Skills, Behavior and Values Outcomes
1. Demonstrate expertise in the main content knowledge of computer science:
Measure 1.1: All students will score at least 70% proficiency
on the test questions that ask to students to identify and apply computer
engineering concepts, principles, and theories on the final examination
in EENG4900.
Measure 1.2: All students will meet or exceed minimum proficiency on the
final project in CSE 4900 for their demonstrated knowledge and application
of computer architecture and organization, computer operating systems,
programming languages, and software design. A scoring rubric will be used
assess proficiency standards for each of the project elements.
2. Effectively use computer science frameworks (concepts,
principles, methods, languages and theories) to design, analyze and construct
software as a solution to any computing-based application problem domain
Measure 2.1: All students will score 80% on embedded questions asking
them to apply computer science frameworks to any computing-based application
problem domain.
Measure 2.2: All students will meet or exceed minimum proficiency on the
final project in CSE 4900 for the design, analysis, and construction of
computer software to any computing-based application problem domain. A
scoring rubric will be used to assess proficiency standards for each of
the project elements.
3. Effectively apply scientific and mathematical principles,
methods and techniques to the research and development of emerging technologies
in the computing field
Measure 3.1: All students will score at least 70% on embedded test questions
asking them to apply scientific and mathematical principles, methods and
techniques to the research and development of emerging technologies in
the computing field.
Measure 3.2: All students will score 70% or higher on the two essays assigned
on the scientific and mathematical principles, methods and techniques
to the research and development of emerging technologies in the computing
field. A scoring rubric will be used to score each essay.
Critical Thinking Outcomes
4. Critically analyze and apply a range of computer science
concepts, principles, and practices in the context of solving problems
across a range of problem domains
Measure 4.1: All students will demonstrate at least 70% proficiency on
embedded test questions that test students' ability to apply and
solve computer problems across a range of problem domains a range of computer
science concepts, principles, and practices in the context of solving
problems across a range of problem domains. A scoring rubric will be used
to evaluate minimum proficiency standards.
Measure 4.2: All students will demonstrate 70% proficiency or higher on
the two essays asking students to critically analyze and apply.
5. Demonstrate proficiency in software lifecycle principles,
using a range of problem solving, programming, and software engineering
Measure 5.1: All students will achieve 70% proficiency on embedded questions
on the final exam in capstone course CS4900 that ask students to identify,
and apply software lifecycle principles.
Measure 5.2: All students will score at least 70% proficiency on test
questions that ask students to demonstrate problem solving, programming,
and software engineering skills.
6. Develop computer-based applications based upon the computer
science body of knowledge
Measure 6.1: All students will develop a minimum of 3 computer-based application
projects based upon the computer science body of knowledge. All students
will meet or exceed satisfactory on each of the three computer-based application
projects. A rubric will be used to evaluate minimum proficiency standards.
Measure 6.2: All students will score 80% proficiency or higher on the
test of applications in CS2490.
Communication Outcomes
7. Employ terminology for computer science accurately and
Measure 7.1: All students will score at least 80% proficiency on the computer
science terminology questions embedded in tests in CS3300 and 4900.
Measure 7.2: All students will demonstrate 80% proficiency in the terms
and abbreviations used in computer science reports.
8. Use technical writing effectively and professionally for
varied audiences
Measure 8.1: All students will achieve 70% proficiency or higher on the
written portion of their computer science projects. A scoring rubric will
be used to determine presentations suitability to different audiences.
Measure 8.2: All students will meet or exceed proficiency of 80% on the
use of electrical engineering terminology in their written reports. A
scoring rubric will be used to rate technical writing skills.
9. Convey technical material through oral presentations of
computing related topics
Measure 9.1: All students will meet or exceed "satisfactory"
for their ability to demonstrate technical command of computing related
topics in oral presentations in CS4900. A scoring rubric will be used.
Measure 9.2: All students will demonstrate at least 70% proficiency in
their research and technological skills through oral presentations in
CS 4900.