College of Sciences
Academic Learning Compact for IE Assessment

Biology B.S.

UCF Biology graduates will be able to do the following:

Discipline Specific Knowledge, Skills, Behavior and Values Outcomes

1. Identify and use the concepts, principles, and theories that constitute the core sub-disciplines of the biological sciences, including:

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the prevailing scientific paradigms, the historical nature of these paradigms, and the aesthetic considerations of that knowledge. These topics will include:

3. Employ laboratory techniques central to analysis of biological materials

4. Describe discipline-related career paths for which recipients of the BS in Biology are qualified

Critical Thinking Outcomes

5. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and to implement the scientific process in different settings

6. Use the scientific method to create alternative problem solving approaches and solve problems in the biological sciences

7. Select and conduct appropriate statistical analyses

8. Demonstrate the ability to gather and critically evaluate information including library research skills, experimental design in laboratory or field settings, and the use of technology for gathering information

9. Analyze information and draw conclusions

Communication Outcomes

10. Employ biological terminology accurately

11. Use language in written form effectively and professionally

12. Communicate biological information in oral form employing appropriate technology

13. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in a professional setting, using
appropriate technical writing

Assessment of Biology Outcomes

These outcomes will be assessed using a variety of assessment methods, including: